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L’Aperitif à la française

L’Aperitif à la française

Myline Descamps |

“Il est toujours l'heure de l'apéro quelque part” means it is always time for Aperitif somewhere in the world;).


French love Aperitif, it's a serious business, it's an Art. And we don't joke with it. Even our kids respect and enjoy that time as we found a way to adapt it for them we with an alcohol-free syrup called Teisseire Mojito and Champomy a virgin sparkling cider who pops like Champagne ;)

We are ''incorrigible'' as our grandmas would say ''sirotant leur pastis'' (drinking their favorite beverage).

aperitif saucisson ballon
There are a lot of ways to master an aperitif, it will depend on the personality of the host. A good bottle of wine with saucisson would do it - BUT DO NOT forget the pickles, the cornichons. Going well with them are our famous pâtés and rillettes, that you can spread on bread or mini toasts along with some tapenade, caviar d'aubergine. Some will love few tucs , others ask for chipster. You can can add some cheese obviously ;)Most important, apéritif is about sharing and enjoying good time together.


So as Super Bowl is coming, we're counting on you to give your TV platter a French twist ;) And if you're close to us, (in a 25 miles radius from the boutique), our partner in crime OCabanon is offering a special Aperitif kit all included with a great selection of wines and gourmet treats, enjoy!


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