There are so many ways to curate an original Easter basket, including vintage French candies like berlingots, fondants d'antan, and mints in tins.
3- Pay attention to the packaging
We love how French chocolatiers pay attention to both taste and packaging, often collaborating with illustrators to create unique designs. Comptoir du Cacao's 2023 chocolate bars celebrating spring with French artist Michael Cailloux's drawings in "Garden Party" are definitely worth a try, as are the modern and Francophile designs from Le Chocolat des Francais
4- Add some delicious spread
And let's not forget about Confiture Parisienne's limited edition Easter jar, revisiting American peanut butter in a French way with some delicious dulce chocolate. This incredible spread is perfect for enhancing any PB&J treats.
5- Suprise little ones with a book or a toy
Finally, for our parent customers, we added some cute made-in-France toys featuring bunnies and Easter celebrations. Our favorites include the story of Tchoupi and his egg hunt or the stacking wooden pieces by Janod.
So whether you're celebrating Easter or just looking for some unique French treats to indulge in, our 2023 Easter collection has something for everyone.